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Magnetic separators

Separate a single reaction tube or a whole plate of beads from solution during wash steps

magnetic separator


Specially Designed to Easily Separate your Microsphere Beads from Solution.

When handling MagPlex® Microspheres, it will often be necessary to separate the magnetic beads from solution. To make these wash steps as easy as possible, Luminex offers two magnetic separators: Magnetic Plate Separator and the Magnetic Tube Separator.

magnetic separator plate

Magnetic Plate Separator

The Magnetic Plate Separator is a modified plate magnet intended to separate a 96-well plate of MagPlex®  Microspheres during assay wash steps. The side clasps on this magnet have been specially designed to hold a round-bottom plate securely to the magnet, enabling you to quickly decant it over a waste container.

Similar to the method used in an ELISA, this manual plate washing method has been shown to effectively remove nearly all of the supernatant from every well on the plate, with virtually no bead carry-over.


  • Use in protein assay preparation
  • Designed to be used with the Manual Washing Procedure for MagPlex® Microspheres
  • 90% less expensive than a typical automated plate washer
  • Allows you to use the familiar washing technique you have used for ELISA

Magnetic Tube Separator

The 1.5 mL Tube Magnetic Separator is intended for a single reaction tube. Typically used in bead coupling reactions, this magnet can quickly separate one mL of MagPlex® Microspheres from solution and is a helpful addition to any xMAP® bench top.


  • Use in bead coupling and single reaction nucleic acid and protein assay preparation
  • Ideal for small-scale coupling reactions
Magnetic separator Tube

Magnetic separators ordering info

Part Number
Magnetic Plate Separator


Magnetic Tube Separator
