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Business ethics, fight against corruption and anti-competitive behavior

Goal 16
Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Diasorin’s commitment

With regard to the risks related to the issue of “Ethical business management, fight against corruption and anti-competitive behavior,” the rules and standards of conduct with which the Directors and employees of all Group Companies must comply, as must persons or companies acting in the name and on behalf of one or more Group companies, are formalized in the Group Code of Ethics and Model 231 adopted by the parent company.

Actions taken

Adoption of a Group Code of Ethics
Regular monitoring by means of audits
Employee training

All Diasorin staff are required to comply with the rules and standards of conduct set out in the Group Code of Ethics, which also specifies the conduct prohibited to prevent episodes of passive corruption – for example the acceptance of gifts or other benefits that may compromise decision-making and judgmental independence.

As a member of the MedTech Europe association, Diasorin has integrated into its code of ethics the provisions of the MedTech Code, which regulates relations between member companies, professionals and healthcare organizations, ensuring that these relationships comply with high ethical standards.


GRI 205
GRI 205


1,014 employees involved in training on ethical issues.

Training of 1,014 employees using specific modules referring to the code of ethics for new hires and periodic training initiatives on current legislation.

Employees involved in anti-corruption training and communication activities

  2020 2021 2022
Executives 45 67 44
White-collar workers 649 912 717
Blue-collar workers 123 195 253
Total number of employees 817 1,174 1,014

Disclosure 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures, part of GRI Standard 205: Anti-corruption.

Related disclosures:
GRI 3: Material topics
GRI 205: Anti-corruption